so, my project has began, this is the big, many percents of my final mark project i hav til november, which sounded like ages but then we got told we need to put in 600 hours work, so if im not doing 2 hours a day im fallin behind.
for reference im doing teacher resourses for a chemistry comic book - sounds fun but theyre gonna make me work with kids again damn it
an it's 7500-10,000 words! TEN THOUSAND
ok so my notes waffle but thats a lot of words
i had a glimmer of hope when i saw last years had acknowledgements in them, i had a plan involving 2000 words worth of thanking every one who's name i could think of, but then the project leaders informed me (using the stern voice that always accompanies the use of my full name and which every woman seems to have built in) that my acknowledgements dont count toward the word totals.
damn. 6750 (coz 10% either way sounds fair) to go
of course to kick off my project in style john came to visit. for those who dont know john went to uni with me and was the first of our group to drop out due to booze/not going to lectures/booze.
as my visit home has been dubbed the dougathon by chris it seemed fitting (an accidentally amusing) that this be dubbed the johnathon.
in which we drank lots
an watched DOA or alive, district 13, crank, superman returns, 2001, predator, children of men, an easy rider
thats two distopian futures, one distopian past, two plotless action films, girls in bikinis, a man in tights, and a drug trip where nothing much happens but at least its pretty.
i also found a list of amusingly titled country songs (many of which ive already heard), i love that theyre trying to say something quite sweet and they end up sounding crazy, i can relate - just ask anyone i went to high school with
read these and think of me
At The Gas Station Of Love, I Got The Self Service Pump - is this veiled ennuendo or just a miserable cowboy?
Drop Kick Me, Jesus, Through The Goalposts Of Life - gotta love the religious touch
I Don't Know Whether To Kill Myself Or Go Bowling - aww so sad
I Fell In A Pile Of You And Got Love All Over Me - gross, but theres emotion there, i could of said this in earnist
I Hate Every Bone In Your Body Except Mine. - subtle but so clever, my favourate
My John Deere Was Breaking Your Field, While Your Dear John Was Breaking My Heart - tractor puns, i doesnt get better than this unless its the previous one
Velcro Arms, Teflon Heart - reminds me i really should be working on my project
well im off to pretend im a cowboy with six shooters an a horse, ev'nin' ma'am