Justice League Unlimited turned up on DVD a couple of days ago. for the majority of you who will have no idea what justice league is i'll briefly explain.
the justice league is the cartoon with superman and batman and wonder woman and pretty much every other (DC) comic book character you can think of in and more. it is extra strength awesome. there is not an episode where i do go WOOOOO! at some point. although it amuses me that the same people who insist on calling comics 'graphic novels' insist on calling one of my favourate cartoons an 'animated series' - some fat guy got quite irate on amazon about it
naturally i've spent the past few days being a superhero (of course!)
ive been running round in the windy windy courtyard pretending to fly, which is hilarious fun
i managed to worry some girls near the library when i'd come inside and was quite warm so i unzipped my jumper the superman way

for some reason that got me strange looks. pfft girls! wadda they know?
also got to help out with the international society at UWE (ok no idea what its really called)
if any ones read stupid white men by micheal moore it'll help you understand. he has a chapter about men dying out because now women can reproduce with artificial insemination and reach things that are high up with a 3 step ladder. fortunatly there was no ladder so i got to be useful in a manly way. Y-chromosome Ho!
i mention the group because it made me giggle to help them out when i remembered an episode of harvey birdman, where a group of "ethnic" superheroes form their own super group called the multi-culture pals. as it was a very mixed group an i was a superhero (with the power of bring tall and carrying things) i kept wanting to pretend (or shout eeee-nupchuck when i had to be tall, like a superhero who grows large) but i knew id get punched.
my secret identity as a mild mannered sci comm student is getting tough. with our dissertation proposals due on monday i thought i was sorted til my supervisor suggested a complete restructure and re-research. DAMN YOOOOOOU! i have been in the same post grad room every week day for the last two weeks. it's crazy i even have one computer i use most of the time, i fear i'm becoming furniture.
at least by monday it'll all be over one way or the other.
then on to our science and the public presentations! uuuurrrgh superheroic trials!
oh an make sure more of you clear time between 1 and 3 pm on tuesdays because Sanna and I are doing our weekly radio show and we want more people listening (online at hubradio.co.uk) yeah yeah do it do it
and call in damn it! otherwise we'll have to continue faking dedications