Thursday, June 28, 2007

The Rise of the Photocopier

So I have returned to Southam.
and after one evening of rest i got to work finding money (having spent the last £50 in my account on a computer game).
thus the next day i was down the employment centre and by Monday i had a job sorted in a reprographics place near leam. not science communication, but i need beer money.

Four days of standing around has naturally addled my brain some, fortunately i have found ways of surviving and have inadvertently become THE PHOTOCOPIER. (for full effect you have to read that sentence out loud getting gradually louder as you go)
ok its only slightly superheroic (ok not very at all) but it can keep me amused.
Monday: The origins of the Photocopier. Wherein a mild(ish) mannered journalist acquires the power of the duplication of paper! wooOOoooOOOooo. and our plucky hero also learns to comb bind, almost blinding himself with poorly designed equipment.
Tuesday: Wherein our hero, now possessed of duplication, faces herculean tasks as the companies legal department request huge tests of his skills by massive folders. Our hero gains the power of scanning and emailing and adds a stapler to his utility harness. Also a trial by flesh is taken as our hero welds enormous scissors in a most unsafe manner, and badly punctures his left hand, causing great bleeding and discomfort.
Wednesday: Having recovered from his non fatal qounds of the day before our hero continues his efforts. Learning the respective skills of sure and wire binding, he binds increasingly large documents. He also faces A0 dupilcation and survives, folding like a greek god.
Thursday: This is the day that our young hero learns the greatest lesson of all. The skill of watching the desk, after which large portions of the day become devoted to sitting and serving the more attractive damsels in distress.
now thats superheroic.
What challenges await him tomorrow and possibly next week if they still need someone when stuart goes to work in the mailroom because they are short staffed to? ONLY TIME WILL TELL.

Also, in actual news i got a haircut. Shazam!
Bearing in mind that saying i look like David Tennent or John Barrowman will illicit cries of anger and disgust from their respective lady followers, who will claim me far less attractive and damage my streads of self-esteem, i instead have decided i look like Ricky Martin.
my hair's sorta short and spikey.
it's good, don't worry.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Possibly the last Bristol post

Well i leave for good tomorrow, carrying a bag i can comfortably fit inside, on a train route that i've never taken, through unknown stations.
Assuming i make it to Leamington without getting lost or collapsing with fatigue, i will return to Southam and that'll be the end of living in Bristol.
It's kinda sad, but i moved most of my stuff (TV and the majority of my DVDS) back last weekend, then returned to Bristol to hang around with people, so leaving wont be too bad - I need a TV.

I log on to facebook and it tells me (sometimes and always randomly) when people write on each others walls. Someone from home was wishing someone else a Happy Birthday and i genuinely thought "You crazy boy, it's not her birthday till the 18th" then looking at the clock i realise it is the 18th an i begin to realise just how much i need TV, just to keep my internal clock functioning.

I don't have a problem. I managed to not watch TV for many days (i dont know the exact number because i wasnt watching TV) the thing that may count as a problem is my DVDs. I didnt bring a TV back, but i brought some DVDs just incase someone else had a TV and wanted to watch some of the films. Im a sick man. :(

It took a few days to realise just how daft it was to have all those DVDS with no player, but then it's not the dumbest thing i managed. I had absolutely no (obvious) way of playing CDs either, but seeing that Bon Jovi have a new album i absolutely had to get it. Fortunatly I have mad resoursefulness skilz so i have found many ways to play it, other than the sencible CD => CD player route. Curiously for a summery CD, every time i play the album it starts raining.

As long as it stays dry tomorrow though i'll be back in Southam safe and sound. If it rains i'll be home with a soggy bag, damp belonging's and an over powering smell of wet dog. Still home will be nice.

Top 5 things I'm looking forward to (but out of order to not upset anyone):
My Dogs
My Southam Friends
My Warwick Uni Friends
Easy access to a computer.

There is ton's I'll miss, but i'm sure I will write more about that in later weeks. This is only *possibly* the last Bristol post, if there's one thing i know, it's that i'll never be sure when the last time I'll see somewhere is. I will return (still got some uni to do) and i can't be sure exactly where my life is going next.

So for now;

Bye Bye Bristol,
Bye Bye Bristol Friends.

Monday, June 11, 2007

On the road again

You know what i'd hate?
A boring life.
Right now i'm absolutly knackered, uncomfortably dehydrated and unsurprisingly in all kinds of unusual pain (is there ever going to be a post of mine that doesnt describe the new and painful things that my body is doing? i sincerly doubt it) but at least i'm entertained.
The last few days have been hectic.
Thursday was the deadline for our projects proposals and deadlines being as fun as always this was cause for a FOURTEEN HOUR LONG WORK SESH. at least i had joana to keep me company. and she spent that long with me without kicking me in the crotch, how delightfully pleasent.
Crawling out of my room on Friday i see it's cloudy and grey (coat on, in to town) but the time i reach town it's gotten so humid, im sweating like a tiny nun in a penguin shooting gallery. major endurance test by dehydration there, but +1 bow and arrow.
Then we had a picnic for Sanna and Hayley's Birthdays! hurrah! no one really dressed up for the fairytale theme, but, i had my bow and arrow and very homemade robin hood hat so at least i looked cool, despite the continuing humidity. naturally we go out in brisol after and end up in la rocca again (yay, coz it's my favourate place - bon jovi? yes please, thank you very much) but getting back late the next morning after games and walking and drinking and picnicing and dancing really tested endurance.
Of course what better time to move my stuff home than the next morning? so after four hours sleep im up for a 9:30 pick up. :( "it hurts." "what hurts?" "legs, arms, neck, back, front, feet." then the usual lack of sympathy from my parentals. "hurumpf."
Then by the afternoon having kipped on the sofa all afternoon to regain some strength, some of the crew decide to go see Pirates of the Caribbean. hmm, i'm in pain, am very sleepy and have seen it twice already... but i do love pirate movies. After watching that i came home to watch the Doctor Who i recorded. and it scared the jeepers outta me. statues that are monsters and that can only get you if you're not looking at them. i stopped blinking or moving my head. being barely strong enough to pull my covers right up to my nose i still managed to peek out my eyes to stop the weeping angels from gettin in. i watched the OC after and was scared when they opened doors suddenly or walked past windows coz the angels could get them.
but i passed out eventually.
then warwick uni to see friends today, back to bristol tomorrow and the zoo the day after.
im not to old for this, im to wimpy. and nothing's going to fix wimpyness quite like hard work and pain. just dont expect me not to complain.