when i say last post before christmas i really mean my last post before the christmas doctor who - for im a big boy now, not terribly excited about presents, santa got no list from me this year and when pushed the best i could come up with was a couple of suggestions. im hoping the fact that material posessions arnt the most important things for me, shows that im growing as a person, but really it just means ive been to busy to sit down with an argos catalogue and flick through the toy section (ok so i havent done that seriously for years) but i havnt really thought about what id like either
but ill tell you what i am excited about. Doctor Who. christmas special. yay
looks like crazy fun and i cant wait.
also torchwood ends around new year! something about time travel and meeting captian jack in the past. cant wait.
and dracula and ruby in the smoke. BBC TV fun! huzzah! huzzah!
i could bore you now with a list of every thing i have done since i last felt like blogging but its been mostly work and travel. im back in southam doing unexplainable things to boxes of books in northampton.
the nice thing about being back in southam is that i am back with my dvd collection -a week without them was to long, i went into lord of the rings withdrawl after the first couple of days. not that i need to watch them over and over, i just like having the option, but im back and im watching them now yay!
i also say yay to seeing my friends this christmas.
dont know if its my exciting new course, mountains of dosh or the fact that i may never spend another christmas with them but something makes me appriciate them more this year than for the last 4/5 years. (honestly that was meant with more love than it sounds, because i am happy to see them)
damn it another long blog.
ok ill end it fast (in a cheesy but very christmassy way) in my very high pitched muppet christmas carol tiny tim voice,
god bless us, every one.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Thursday, December 07, 2006
May Contain Nuts
im going to get a bit geeky now so if you really couldnt give a monkeys about computer games like halo skip to the point where you next see these : 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888
still reading? on our own head be it. im talking about how awesome the halo trailer was (for a few lines)
Clickedy : http://www.bungie.net/News/TopStory.aspx?link=halo3ad
so cool, sheilds, brutes hell yes, course if you are reading this bit ull probly of seen it so ill move on with the story
that was less than i expected but oddly appropriate.
u see my perceptions of time are completely fried.
since breaking up for the christmas holidays i hav been working so hard its... unusual
when last i left you i had a cold. good news, im over it and i passed it on to joana - thats a two-fer
we had classes and our group chrimbo dinner - unfortunatly i look miserable in the photos, but thats only because i was doped up on painkillers and vitamin C, i had a really good time.
lennart an i worked our asses off on the doing science magazine, and wrote news article ranging from dull (it may be possible to store CO2 under the sea) to the ludicrasly exciting (0-60 in 4 seconds in an electric car) ok it doesnt sound ludicrasly exciting but wait till i force you to read it and stand there looking expectant. you will act impressed.
i got the cameras i mentioned. anyone reading my facebook status may have spotted my excitement
ok so its a bit creepy walking round your flat in the dark with a video camera, but im fairly sure any stealthy leanings were lost every few seconds as i went duuuuuude in a hurley-like way
most noteably i am not home right now, not even at chris' on the way home. i am still in bristol! ARRRRRR!
we were all set up for max gameage it would of bin 10 kinds of awesome easily, but noOOoo. i get offered work at the producer magazine again for 5 days so im stuck here til next thursday (going home over the weekend for my Omi's birthday but getting the train back to an empty room) i was so looking forward to resting
problem is all this activity combined with a memory that makes a thing-full-of-holes look like a-thing-with-no-holes-in, is making me mix up days. i spent the morning telling my boss about yesterday before i realised it was the week before i was talking about. not good
also im a little confused as to the amount of trust people are showing me.
i have been given 2 pretty expencive cameras, been allowed to film in a school and today i was given someones house key to let myself in early tomorrow
as someone who uses duuuuuude in regular conversation im just not sure these are good ideas
not that id do bad things in any of these situations but im a danger to myself, others be warned
you want an example?
we had our kid brainstorming thing on wednesday (yesterday apparently) so we need space books. as a doug i naturally think of my firefly book, theres some cool pictures of spaceships in it. unfortunatly we were half way through filming when i remember it also contains creative swearing, nudie references and chopped up people, not really 9 year old fodder. oops
im only a small step away from mittens with string and a note pinned to my chest telling people where im supposed to be going.
oo an day 7 of my doctor who advent calender and ive got all the trivia questions right (but they actually were tough) had 4 tardis chocs 2 dalek chocs and a gold coin. i swear this is a calender designed by me for me. it is teh awesome
and yes fine my varsty trivia knowledge seems a little contradictory with my leeky brain pan but ask any one whos had to live with me and they can 'testify' (lennart) to both being very true.
im going to go start prepairing my pin on note for tomorrow, bus-work-swings-work-bus-home, if your interested
still reading? on our own head be it. im talking about how awesome the halo trailer was (for a few lines)
Clickedy : http://www.bungie.net/News/TopStory.aspx?link=halo3ad
so cool, sheilds, brutes hell yes, course if you are reading this bit ull probly of seen it so ill move on with the story
that was less than i expected but oddly appropriate.
u see my perceptions of time are completely fried.
since breaking up for the christmas holidays i hav been working so hard its... unusual
when last i left you i had a cold. good news, im over it and i passed it on to joana - thats a two-fer
we had classes and our group chrimbo dinner - unfortunatly i look miserable in the photos, but thats only because i was doped up on painkillers and vitamin C, i had a really good time.
lennart an i worked our asses off on the doing science magazine, and wrote news article ranging from dull (it may be possible to store CO2 under the sea) to the ludicrasly exciting (0-60 in 4 seconds in an electric car) ok it doesnt sound ludicrasly exciting but wait till i force you to read it and stand there looking expectant. you will act impressed.
i got the cameras i mentioned. anyone reading my facebook status may have spotted my excitement
ok so its a bit creepy walking round your flat in the dark with a video camera, but im fairly sure any stealthy leanings were lost every few seconds as i went duuuuuude in a hurley-like way
most noteably i am not home right now, not even at chris' on the way home. i am still in bristol! ARRRRRR!
we were all set up for max gameage it would of bin 10 kinds of awesome easily, but noOOoo. i get offered work at the producer magazine again for 5 days so im stuck here til next thursday (going home over the weekend for my Omi's birthday but getting the train back to an empty room) i was so looking forward to resting
problem is all this activity combined with a memory that makes a thing-full-of-holes look like a-thing-with-no-holes-in, is making me mix up days. i spent the morning telling my boss about yesterday before i realised it was the week before i was talking about. not good
also im a little confused as to the amount of trust people are showing me.
i have been given 2 pretty expencive cameras, been allowed to film in a school and today i was given someones house key to let myself in early tomorrow
as someone who uses duuuuuude in regular conversation im just not sure these are good ideas
not that id do bad things in any of these situations but im a danger to myself, others be warned
you want an example?
we had our kid brainstorming thing on wednesday (yesterday apparently) so we need space books. as a doug i naturally think of my firefly book, theres some cool pictures of spaceships in it. unfortunatly we were half way through filming when i remember it also contains creative swearing, nudie references and chopped up people, not really 9 year old fodder. oops
im only a small step away from mittens with string and a note pinned to my chest telling people where im supposed to be going.
oo an day 7 of my doctor who advent calender and ive got all the trivia questions right (but they actually were tough) had 4 tardis chocs 2 dalek chocs and a gold coin. i swear this is a calender designed by me for me. it is teh awesome
and yes fine my varsty trivia knowledge seems a little contradictory with my leeky brain pan but ask any one whos had to live with me and they can 'testify' (lennart) to both being very true.
im going to go start prepairing my pin on note for tomorrow, bus-work-swings-work-bus-home, if your interested
Friday, December 01, 2006
Lucky socks, Lois Lane and Lesbians
i have a cold - its not fun but im being a man about it
thats right im whingeing constantly and making a big fuss
its karma you see, well twisted doug karma. ill explain:
this week has been hectic
after a weekend of stationary contemplation of the televised media, monday saw the beginning of the article prep
The Article is 4 pages of the magazine thats being made for writing science and has been the focal point of this week.
I am working on it with Joana (of course). Its very odd that we keep getting paired up, but shes probly reading this so i am glad that keeps happening i have absolutely no complaints :) honestly its getting helpful, we are starting to develop systems for working together, Clark Kent had Lois Lane, so having a female sidekick is helping my superman delusions and i need writing partner to complain in an amusing way. Plus shes a much faster typer than I am.
tuesday was 5 hours of sitting at my desk writing without a subject - surprisingly difficult, but i stung together 450 words into something useful - give an infinate number of monkeys an infinate number of typewriters and theyll write you the works of Shakespeare
but wednesday was a huge day
now i knew it was going to be tough so naturally i wore my lucky socks (they're hairy on the outside - gear)
it was an uber lucky day
we blagged our way past clare and the university by not saying anything (no clare we had no idea those short people in our brainstorming session were children)
we went down into the basement to book a good quality video camera, we listened to the keeper of the cameras give us a half hour list of suggestions for how to shoot a brainstorming focus group of short people in a library type setting, and then we left with a booking for 2 cameras, a tripod and an external mic - nice (we complained for the rest of the day about that but if we have to complain at least its about someone being too helpful)
they also just handed over a tape machine and tape for the interview later - so much easier than warwick where i had to get the girls in the group to start crying to get a tape machine out of the techies
then after lunch we interviewed Dr Darren Reynolds - what a cool interview subject. his stories were interesting and at the end science communication style quotes just fell out of him, and i made it throught the whole interview without making a fool of myself - very proud
4 swift hours later and we had the article done
then i got back found a 70 word article i thought id lost and sprinted to sainsburys to pick up wine for our flats james and oz's wine adventure session (they drive round france tasting wine while we sit in our flat realising our wine tastes of feet) but noooo ive missed the start - no not in these socks, in their final act of the day the program starts half an hour later and im eating dinner and drinking wine as they discuss which wines go best with food - lucky
then in a bonus act torchwood had lesbians in it. - all hail the power of my socks
now thats a full and well rounded day. covert dealings, deceit, surprise, lunch, fear, surprise, enjoyment, relaxation, torture, physical exertion, alcohol, lesbians
dear santa, this is how I'd like every day to be.
of course in my universe such a fantastic day is going to cost me big in the karma stakes
the universe maintains a balance, if im going to get a day like that im going to get a massive amount of not good to keep it stable. so naturally ive got a cold :( its sad but im not going to mention it that much.
i got a good day for it.
thats right im whingeing constantly and making a big fuss
its karma you see, well twisted doug karma. ill explain:
this week has been hectic
after a weekend of stationary contemplation of the televised media, monday saw the beginning of the article prep
The Article is 4 pages of the magazine thats being made for writing science and has been the focal point of this week.
I am working on it with Joana (of course). Its very odd that we keep getting paired up, but shes probly reading this so i am glad that keeps happening i have absolutely no complaints :) honestly its getting helpful, we are starting to develop systems for working together, Clark Kent had Lois Lane, so having a female sidekick is helping my superman delusions and i need writing partner to complain in an amusing way. Plus shes a much faster typer than I am.
tuesday was 5 hours of sitting at my desk writing without a subject - surprisingly difficult, but i stung together 450 words into something useful - give an infinate number of monkeys an infinate number of typewriters and theyll write you the works of Shakespeare
but wednesday was a huge day
now i knew it was going to be tough so naturally i wore my lucky socks (they're hairy on the outside - gear)
it was an uber lucky day
we blagged our way past clare and the university by not saying anything (no clare we had no idea those short people in our brainstorming session were children)
we went down into the basement to book a good quality video camera, we listened to the keeper of the cameras give us a half hour list of suggestions for how to shoot a brainstorming focus group of short people in a library type setting, and then we left with a booking for 2 cameras, a tripod and an external mic - nice (we complained for the rest of the day about that but if we have to complain at least its about someone being too helpful)
they also just handed over a tape machine and tape for the interview later - so much easier than warwick where i had to get the girls in the group to start crying to get a tape machine out of the techies
then after lunch we interviewed Dr Darren Reynolds - what a cool interview subject. his stories were interesting and at the end science communication style quotes just fell out of him, and i made it throught the whole interview without making a fool of myself - very proud
4 swift hours later and we had the article done
then i got back found a 70 word article i thought id lost and sprinted to sainsburys to pick up wine for our flats james and oz's wine adventure session (they drive round france tasting wine while we sit in our flat realising our wine tastes of feet) but noooo ive missed the start - no not in these socks, in their final act of the day the program starts half an hour later and im eating dinner and drinking wine as they discuss which wines go best with food - lucky
then in a bonus act torchwood had lesbians in it. - all hail the power of my socks
now thats a full and well rounded day. covert dealings, deceit, surprise, lunch, fear, surprise, enjoyment, relaxation, torture, physical exertion, alcohol, lesbians
dear santa, this is how I'd like every day to be.
of course in my universe such a fantastic day is going to cost me big in the karma stakes
the universe maintains a balance, if im going to get a day like that im going to get a massive amount of not good to keep it stable. so naturally ive got a cold :( its sad but im not going to mention it that much.
i got a good day for it.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
its like buses (apparently - never really noticed this myself) but I see loads of movies with barely any/pretty painless torture in and then two come along at once. (Im not including Horror porn like Saw or Hostel because Im just not into that sort of thing)
The first is of course Casino Royale and the leg crossingly uncomfortable scene in that, which Chris claims as his second nastiest torture scene after one involving (according to the web) a nail remover (think fingernails). Ow
But Bond takes it like a man, well sort of, he's tough throughout which is all we could expect of him.
The funny thing is I've seen stuff on TV too - I was watching something this morning which is what got me thinking about this and the bad guys are electrocuting the good guys, but all the way through these scenes (Bond too) I'm thinking "I could handle that. Pfft I wouldnt crack."
I saw Pans Labyrinth yesterday. You see very little in the way of actual torture happening, but the bad guy in it is so very very very very very very upsetting that I cannot be completely sure of that because I had my eyes closed like a little girl.
It gets set up early on that he's not a nice guy (which he does very efficiently with the bottom of a wine bottle and a mans face, in squishy/crunchy detail). So by the time it gets to him capturing wounded rebels I'm pretty much telling them to shoot themselves, to avoid what he then does with a tiny hammer, a small pair of pliers and a little screwdriver. Nail remover my arse - the setup for that scene almost had me telling him everything I knew and I was only watching. Henceforth when faced with that kind of torture I shall be foregoing Captain Doug bravardo in favour of (Science Communication) Rosies approach - "What would you like to know?" "Is there anything else I can tell you?" "Can I get you cup of tea?"
Its a strange contrast from the world of action heroes where goodies take bullets and poisonings in their stride and a decent punch to a baddie can kill. In Pans Labyrinth they go round shooting the dead just to make sure, and Bad guys can take repeated stabbings, a half Joker-ing (if you saw the film you'd understand) and poison and are still on their feet.
It was a fantastic film - torture included. Pretty and Scary and very very Sad. Theres a lullaby in there so pretty i was humming it all the way home (humming coz i dont know the words). Im glad to have something other than You know my name stuck in my head
Oh and its all in Spainsh so theres subtitles. - I have nothing against them, I just wanted to prepare you.
If you like Strings (Chris Im looking at you) go see it. If you havnt seen Strings go see it, then go get Strings and see that too.
And if anyone goes in expecting to see David Bowie in a unitard, ill never speak to you again.
its like buses (apparently - never really noticed this myself) but I see loads of movies with barely any/pretty painless torture in and then two come along at once. (Im not including Horror porn like Saw or Hostel because Im just not into that sort of thing)
The first is of course Casino Royale and the leg crossingly uncomfortable scene in that, which Chris claims as his second nastiest torture scene after one involving (according to the web) a nail remover (think fingernails). Ow
But Bond takes it like a man, well sort of, he's tough throughout which is all we could expect of him.
The funny thing is I've seen stuff on TV too - I was watching something this morning which is what got me thinking about this and the bad guys are electrocuting the good guys, but all the way through these scenes (Bond too) I'm thinking "I could handle that. Pfft I wouldnt crack."
I saw Pans Labyrinth yesterday. You see very little in the way of actual torture happening, but the bad guy in it is so very very very very very very upsetting that I cannot be completely sure of that because I had my eyes closed like a little girl.
It gets set up early on that he's not a nice guy (which he does very efficiently with the bottom of a wine bottle and a mans face, in squishy/crunchy detail). So by the time it gets to him capturing wounded rebels I'm pretty much telling them to shoot themselves, to avoid what he then does with a tiny hammer, a small pair of pliers and a little screwdriver. Nail remover my arse - the setup for that scene almost had me telling him everything I knew and I was only watching. Henceforth when faced with that kind of torture I shall be foregoing Captain Doug bravardo in favour of (Science Communication) Rosies approach - "What would you like to know?" "Is there anything else I can tell you?" "Can I get you cup of tea?"
Its a strange contrast from the world of action heroes where goodies take bullets and poisonings in their stride and a decent punch to a baddie can kill. In Pans Labyrinth they go round shooting the dead just to make sure, and Bad guys can take repeated stabbings, a half Joker-ing (if you saw the film you'd understand) and poison and are still on their feet.
It was a fantastic film - torture included. Pretty and Scary and very very Sad. Theres a lullaby in there so pretty i was humming it all the way home (humming coz i dont know the words). Im glad to have something other than You know my name stuck in my head
Oh and its all in Spainsh so theres subtitles. - I have nothing against them, I just wanted to prepare you.
If you like Strings (Chris Im looking at you) go see it. If you havnt seen Strings go see it, then go get Strings and see that too.
And if anyone goes in expecting to see David Bowie in a unitard, ill never speak to you again.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Audience Awareness
this is difficult.
i am exceptionally ... something. not confused, i suppose self aware is what youd call it.
you see a couple of days ago i had more lectures, bringing me up to 12 days this term (3 to go), but i found out that people actually read this - people other than chris and alex who, though technically people who read this, dont count.
really when you hav an audience of two you dont have to take much into consideration, but there are different types of people who read this which is an odd feeling. something to get over soon which is really what this note is in aid of.
whats irratating me is that im blogging in my head, everything i do comes with an inner monalogue like in Scrubs - ive even started to twist my head when its talking. then altering the blogs for the different audiences - is driving me crazy(er)
that and the new bond song. its going round and round in my head and i keep repeating it on my computer. its annoying only coz its repeating so much, i actually think its a really cool song.
got pirates of the caribbean today! yay. up at the crack of 10 an down sainsburys before lunch, great. but nothing important after that
it did strike me how odd it is to have my plans for the day read:
watch TV till i get hungry
repeat til sleepy
hardly bettering mankind
still i never really expected much (its raining an im still a bit tired from the weekend)
well ive got a schedule to get back to
i am exceptionally ... something. not confused, i suppose self aware is what youd call it.
you see a couple of days ago i had more lectures, bringing me up to 12 days this term (3 to go), but i found out that people actually read this - people other than chris and alex who, though technically people who read this, dont count.
really when you hav an audience of two you dont have to take much into consideration, but there are different types of people who read this which is an odd feeling. something to get over soon which is really what this note is in aid of.
whats irratating me is that im blogging in my head, everything i do comes with an inner monalogue like in Scrubs - ive even started to twist my head when its talking. then altering the blogs for the different audiences - is driving me crazy(er)
that and the new bond song. its going round and round in my head and i keep repeating it on my computer. its annoying only coz its repeating so much, i actually think its a really cool song.
got pirates of the caribbean today! yay. up at the crack of 10 an down sainsburys before lunch, great. but nothing important after that
it did strike me how odd it is to have my plans for the day read:
watch TV till i get hungry
repeat til sleepy
hardly bettering mankind
still i never really expected much (its raining an im still a bit tired from the weekend)
well ive got a schedule to get back to
Friday, November 17, 2006
my eyes!
im back to work more lectures, more twilight tasking and last night i went to see Casino Royale (cool as, but more on that later) and so yesterday i didnt get a chance to check facebook or my email. PAH i thought, nothing ever happens its nothing to care about, so i didnt care. but finally get a chance to squeeze it in an BLAM! so much updateing from chris and alex, i can hardly look at the screen, and pokes, and messages, and group requests, and birthday reminders.
when i stopped wimpering and crawled out of the corner it took me half an hour to appropriatly re-poke, re-ply and comment.
my life is hard in many unexpected ways
dadun daduuuuuuuuun dadooooown dow duda dow da dowdun (do do do do do)
it was great hooray! daniel craigs tough an a bit scary so hes not gonna get called names for being blond so thats nice
plenty of cool bond lines to try out in inappropriate situations
and excessively painful torture scenes that still make me pull faces and rock back and forth - and really made me wonder if bond should be "bumping and grinding" so soon after
still, great fun and a prefect excuse to wear a tuxedo tshirt to class today.
oh and sarah if you read this (ever) happy birthday!
im back to work more lectures, more twilight tasking and last night i went to see Casino Royale (cool as, but more on that later) and so yesterday i didnt get a chance to check facebook or my email. PAH i thought, nothing ever happens its nothing to care about, so i didnt care. but finally get a chance to squeeze it in an BLAM! so much updateing from chris and alex, i can hardly look at the screen, and pokes, and messages, and group requests, and birthday reminders.
when i stopped wimpering and crawled out of the corner it took me half an hour to appropriatly re-poke, re-ply and comment.
my life is hard in many unexpected ways
dadun daduuuuuuuuun dadooooown dow duda dow da dowdun (do do do do do)
it was great hooray! daniel craigs tough an a bit scary so hes not gonna get called names for being blond so thats nice
plenty of cool bond lines to try out in inappropriate situations
and excessively painful torture scenes that still make me pull faces and rock back and forth - and really made me wonder if bond should be "bumping and grinding" so soon after
still, great fun and a prefect excuse to wear a tuxedo tshirt to class today.
oh and sarah if you read this (ever) happy birthday!
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Caaaaaaaaaaaaandy Flooooooooooooss!
Well that was an impressive fireworks night.
as a hick from Southam im used to a small display an tiny pile of wood down the cricket club, but we went to the big thing over in Clifton Downs (or something) point was it was impressive tonnes of fireworks, huge pile of wood and a funfair!
ok so it was smaller than the mop (southams annual october fair-majig) and i didnt get to go on any rides, coz no one would go with me, which is a bit sad. I gotta say how odd it is going to one of these things when theres no one you are trying to impress with your bravery, but it was nice not vomitting
oo an i got a big bag of candy floss, it may just be the greatest food stuff ever invented so soft an yummy an soft an crunchy an soft an sticky. BRILLIANT
fireworks were fun too, i spent most of the night pretending to be one we saw that was on fire at both ends an sorta whooshed in these great bend disc shapes (the impression is up there with my cylon base star impersination of sheer clarity)
an then we went to the pub.
top plan.
as a hick from Southam im used to a small display an tiny pile of wood down the cricket club, but we went to the big thing over in Clifton Downs (or something) point was it was impressive tonnes of fireworks, huge pile of wood and a funfair!
ok so it was smaller than the mop (southams annual october fair-majig) and i didnt get to go on any rides, coz no one would go with me, which is a bit sad. I gotta say how odd it is going to one of these things when theres no one you are trying to impress with your bravery, but it was nice not vomitting
oo an i got a big bag of candy floss, it may just be the greatest food stuff ever invented so soft an yummy an soft an crunchy an soft an sticky. BRILLIANT
fireworks were fun too, i spent most of the night pretending to be one we saw that was on fire at both ends an sorta whooshed in these great bend disc shapes (the impression is up there with my cylon base star impersination of sheer clarity)
an then we went to the pub.
top plan.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Cheese related difficulty
this is going to be a largely useless post about a lack of cheese. to all who dont care - you have been warned
i only have a few minutes till the state within starts on bbc1 (when something is described as somewhere between spooks and 24 you know i gotta see it) but i have lot of free time til my lectures start up again an i want to take you all (he says optimistically) thro whats been on my mind all day
I have ran out of cheese
no big deal woke up late, breakfast no probs
but then start getting hungry by 1 now chris an alex can back me up on this i never have much on my shelves food wise, tonnes of herbs an spices and weird thingsa but no complete meal usually
so no cheese leaves me with a lunch problem
omlettes! - no cheese and cheese makes them good
toasty - needs cheese
thats all i can think of for lunch
so in the end a cheeseless omlette it is (an dull it was)
then for t i cant have a jacket potato!
will the horror never end
turns out im ruled by cheese or more specifically cows (without them id miss breakfast to an just die)
oo tv time
play safe
i only have a few minutes till the state within starts on bbc1 (when something is described as somewhere between spooks and 24 you know i gotta see it) but i have lot of free time til my lectures start up again an i want to take you all (he says optimistically) thro whats been on my mind all day
I have ran out of cheese
no big deal woke up late, breakfast no probs
but then start getting hungry by 1 now chris an alex can back me up on this i never have much on my shelves food wise, tonnes of herbs an spices and weird thingsa but no complete meal usually
so no cheese leaves me with a lunch problem
omlettes! - no cheese and cheese makes them good
toasty - needs cheese
thats all i can think of for lunch
so in the end a cheeseless omlette it is (an dull it was)
then for t i cant have a jacket potato!
will the horror never end
turns out im ruled by cheese or more specifically cows (without them id miss breakfast to an just die)
oo tv time
play safe
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Good news everyone
yes i do mean everyone because i may have linked this thro to facebook (scurge of crashs existance, but constant source of amusement for the rest of us) which means my blog is now going to bother a great deal more ppl. err... hooray?
well halloween went well, even tho after shaun of the dead i was still concerned about zombies
i almost dressed up - i say almost coz i wore a shirt but with my mandana - hooray for that - so i was sorta a cowboy or a pirate or when they played livin on a prayer in the club and i wore it like a head band i was an 80s rocker and it was nice an warm round my neck when we left, i may have to wear it out normally.
altho, mandana aside its was a pretty good night out, some frightneningly short skirts but best of all was that they actually played some interesting music, imagine welcome to the black parade but at a club volume, when they got to the guitars in the middle, it was so loud everyones ears nearly exploded. awesome
anyone who noticed my facebook batdog got a halloween skeleton costume well done, all tho im sure the rest of ya dont care that much.
lectures start again in 15 days, its a hard life, but i do have homework to do (thanks to everyone who filled in my questionaire thingie)
let the work begin!
well halloween went well, even tho after shaun of the dead i was still concerned about zombies
i almost dressed up - i say almost coz i wore a shirt but with my mandana - hooray for that - so i was sorta a cowboy or a pirate or when they played livin on a prayer in the club and i wore it like a head band i was an 80s rocker and it was nice an warm round my neck when we left, i may have to wear it out normally.
altho, mandana aside its was a pretty good night out, some frightneningly short skirts but best of all was that they actually played some interesting music, imagine welcome to the black parade but at a club volume, when they got to the guitars in the middle, it was so loud everyones ears nearly exploded. awesome
anyone who noticed my facebook batdog got a halloween skeleton costume well done, all tho im sure the rest of ya dont care that much.
lectures start again in 15 days, its a hard life, but i do have homework to do (thanks to everyone who filled in my questionaire thingie)
let the work begin!
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Halloween oooOOOOooo
spooking goings on down in brisol
having sod all to do twixt now an 16th of november, i began halloween prep on the 30th with a "monster" movie-a-thon
Shrek - orges count damn it
Shrek 2 - same as above
King Kong - giant ape woo T-Rex fight is soooooooooo cool makes me jump round like an ape tho
Jurassic Park - classic movie shame i collapsed from tiredness part way thro
i was trying like crazy to link Jurassic park and Kong some way eventually i got this :
Kong - Andy Serkis - LOTR - Christopher Lee - Star Wars - Liam Neeson - Schindlers List - Speilburg - Jurassic Park
but then having finally cracked it (no mean feat at midnight when you can barely stay awake) when they enter the gates of jurassic park an ian malcolm (jeff goldblum) says "what have they got in there, King Kong?"
On to halloween
being sleepy i started late
Night Watch (theatrical version with fancy subtitles) - absolute classic
then i fell asleep
Shaun of the dead - scared me
which made me come up with my finalised zombie plan - its a buite but i aint puttin it here or ull all do it
now coz im scared im watchin labyrinth - it makes me less scared but it still contains david bowie in tights which is still scary enough
having sod all to do twixt now an 16th of november, i began halloween prep on the 30th with a "monster" movie-a-thon
Shrek - orges count damn it
Shrek 2 - same as above
King Kong - giant ape woo T-Rex fight is soooooooooo cool makes me jump round like an ape tho
Jurassic Park - classic movie shame i collapsed from tiredness part way thro
i was trying like crazy to link Jurassic park and Kong some way eventually i got this :
Kong - Andy Serkis - LOTR - Christopher Lee - Star Wars - Liam Neeson - Schindlers List - Speilburg - Jurassic Park
but then having finally cracked it (no mean feat at midnight when you can barely stay awake) when they enter the gates of jurassic park an ian malcolm (jeff goldblum) says "what have they got in there, King Kong?"
On to halloween
being sleepy i started late
Night Watch (theatrical version with fancy subtitles) - absolute classic
then i fell asleep
Shaun of the dead - scared me
which made me come up with my finalised zombie plan - its a buite but i aint puttin it here or ull all do it
now coz im scared im watchin labyrinth - it makes me less scared but it still contains david bowie in tights which is still scary enough
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Finding of my old blog
yes ok so i forgot about this blog completely for a great deal of time, but thats a good thing, for now i have many important things to mention.
ah ha im at uni again, an i shall bore yall with related info.
UWE, yep good ol' the university of the west of the england (snappy no?)
some days a week of lectures (9:30 to 4:30) ranging from 0 to 3 days depending on the date.
i have had 6 days solid work in the last 10 which is balanced out by getting the next month off, lifes hard an all that
the accomidation here is terrorfying (spelling error dedicated to chris) the room is identical to the layout of tocil in warwick cept here i get a bath room ensuite (swit-swoo) tis slightly confusing but i definatly prefere this to tocil as the flat mates are more interesting, only one rice cooker so the fuses for the building arnt blown every sodding evening, still aint as much fun as tile hill tho coz it lacks halo uda thought with so many ppl gathered in one place we cud do massive haloage - i mean really really massive, snow level in halo 2 massive but no :(
im gonna have to start writin msgs on our kitchen window challenging everyone in the courtyard to a match
which brings me to whats currently written there:
but what is naked mole rats?
is this naked mole rats?

is this naked mole rats?

thanks to naked mole rats we now know that this is naked mole rats

ah ha im at uni again, an i shall bore yall with related info.
UWE, yep good ol' the university of the west of the england (snappy no?)
some days a week of lectures (9:30 to 4:30) ranging from 0 to 3 days depending on the date.
i have had 6 days solid work in the last 10 which is balanced out by getting the next month off, lifes hard an all that
the accomidation here is terrorfying (spelling error dedicated to chris) the room is identical to the layout of tocil in warwick cept here i get a bath room ensuite (swit-swoo) tis slightly confusing but i definatly prefere this to tocil as the flat mates are more interesting, only one rice cooker so the fuses for the building arnt blown every sodding evening, still aint as much fun as tile hill tho coz it lacks halo uda thought with so many ppl gathered in one place we cud do massive haloage - i mean really really massive, snow level in halo 2 massive but no :(
im gonna have to start writin msgs on our kitchen window challenging everyone in the courtyard to a match
which brings me to whats currently written there:
but what is naked mole rats?
is this naked mole rats?

is this naked mole rats?

thanks to naked mole rats we now know that this is naked mole rats

Sunday, August 27, 2006
AAAAAAAAAAH the worlds have imploded and judgement is about to rain down upon thee, prepare your umbrellas, for plagues of frogs await!
by which i mean, look :

APOLLO! from lost!
do do do do do do do do! (twilight zone do-dos)
got it from forbidden planet (anyone who thought i made it myself has a unnecessaryly low opinion of me)
you need a password to get one
an i go into the shop in Cov and its all shifty like;
Me (in husky voice) : got any apollo bars?
Shop Keep : glances around shiftyly : whats the password?
Me : ###### #######
Shop Keep : Nope
Me : Damn
Half an hour later when I find the new one
Shop Keep : classic questioning look with raised arms et al.
Me : ##### ######
Shop Keep : Hooray!
It was great tho you may of had to be there to see the fun.
I think i need to be a private eye now - all stealth an danger (awesome)
by which i mean, look :

APOLLO! from lost!
do do do do do do do do! (twilight zone do-dos)
got it from forbidden planet (anyone who thought i made it myself has a unnecessaryly low opinion of me)
you need a password to get one
an i go into the shop in Cov and its all shifty like;
Me (in husky voice) : got any apollo bars?
Shop Keep : glances around shiftyly : whats the password?
Me : ###### #######
Shop Keep : Nope
Me : Damn
Half an hour later when I find the new one
Shop Keep : classic questioning look with raised arms et al.
Me : ##### ######
Shop Keep : Hooray!
It was great tho you may of had to be there to see the fun.
I think i need to be a private eye now - all stealth an danger (awesome)
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
I am the last shreds of Dougs sanity
a combination of mind (and butt) numbing work and "alternate" reality games are bringing me to the edge of crazy.
i got 8 hours a day of repetative form filling and box checking visit the red box apperciation society on facebook for more info.
but then i get the lost experience email from rachel blake
APOLLO bars!!!! arrrghh!!!!1
will post more on saturday if i can get one - depend on how many lost experience geeks are in the coventry area. one to ponder that is
i got 8 hours a day of repetative form filling and box checking visit the red box apperciation society on facebook for more info.
but then i get the lost experience email from rachel blake
APOLLO bars!!!! arrrghh!!!!1
will post more on saturday if i can get one - depend on how many lost experience geeks are in the coventry area. one to ponder that is
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Snakes On A Plane!!!
Its fantastic, thank god
i was concerned it would suck after all the excitement leading up to it but i absolutely loved it.
at the cinema i normally prefer to sit silently an let the film get on with it but our entire group felt the need to join in with the movie this time, warning people on the screen to watch out for the snakes by their feet, in their bags and under their clothes, and loadly uh-oh-ing when a guy unzips his fly as the snakes get loose (crotch shot).
i never claim to have a refined taste in movies (good taste, yes, but refined? nope) and i think what i really liked was the way you could actually see most of it coming, from the guy un-doing his fly (snakes are achieveing crotch domination) to the nasty british guy getting what he deserved. and the bits i didnt see where so hilarious i loved them too! dont want to spoil them but the steward... at the end... i was in tears it was so funny.
Sam Jackson was a whole barrel of awesomeness and i just know when things start frustraiting me im gonna be yelling "THAT IS IT, I'VE HAD IT WITH THESE M_________ING SNAKES ON THIS M_________ING PLANE!"
awesome to the max
i was concerned it would suck after all the excitement leading up to it but i absolutely loved it.
at the cinema i normally prefer to sit silently an let the film get on with it but our entire group felt the need to join in with the movie this time, warning people on the screen to watch out for the snakes by their feet, in their bags and under their clothes, and loadly uh-oh-ing when a guy unzips his fly as the snakes get loose (crotch shot).
i never claim to have a refined taste in movies (good taste, yes, but refined? nope) and i think what i really liked was the way you could actually see most of it coming, from the guy un-doing his fly (snakes are achieveing crotch domination) to the nasty british guy getting what he deserved. and the bits i didnt see where so hilarious i loved them too! dont want to spoil them but the steward... at the end... i was in tears it was so funny.
Sam Jackson was a whole barrel of awesomeness and i just know when things start frustraiting me im gonna be yelling "THAT IS IT, I'VE HAD IT WITH THESE M_________ING SNAKES ON THIS M_________ING PLANE!"
awesome to the max
Monday, August 14, 2006
MY BUISNESS IS DONE (technically a spolier)
I have solved it!
yes yes yes yes the question that has plagued me for the last year or so has finally been solved
not fermats last theorem, world peace or cold fusion,
no its "which episode of something or film is it where some girl has a rule book an when she leaves at the end she gives the boy a copy of it?"
this question of course being swiftly followed by chris and alexs question of "what is doug talking about now?"
an i have solved both!
its star trek the next generation season 5 (according to wikipedia) in an episode called "the game" where riker brings a game (see picture) onto the enterprise as wesley comes to visit he hooks up with ashley judd whos an engineer. and shes the one with the rules and wesleys the one she gives them to. AH HA take that universe +1 memory.
yes yes yes yes the question that has plagued me for the last year or so has finally been solved
not fermats last theorem, world peace or cold fusion,
no its "which episode of something or film is it where some girl has a rule book an when she leaves at the end she gives the boy a copy of it?"
this question of course being swiftly followed by chris and alexs question of "what is doug talking about now?"
an i have solved both!
its star trek the next generation season 5 (according to wikipedia) in an episode called "the game" where riker brings a game (see picture) onto the enterprise as wesley comes to visit he hooks up with ashley judd whos an engineer. and shes the one with the rules and wesleys the one she gives them to. AH HA take that universe +1 memory.
More Blogging-ness
ok so i forgot exactly what the point of my firefly blog was. never mind MORE BLOGGING
over here in the uk im used to not getting all the cool tv related stuff that the yanks get not a problem ive come to terms with it and if i really wanted it id figure a way out some how.
but ive been keeping up with the lost experience (the online lost world thats really breaking down my seperation between reality and tv - they call it alternative reality) i say keeping up i dont actually try i just read other ppls notes on whats going on. but i know the jist.
but i was in leam an went to waterstones (more on my never ending quest for the firefly companion vol. 1 later) and down at the bottom of new releases shelf i see a book with sand on it - im like wait a second and it turns out to be bad twin! (dun dun daaa!)
bad twin being the book "written" by a passinger on the plane in lost, id seen it was out in america but it took huge amounts of doug restraint not to run screaming from the store upon finding it over here.
over here in the uk im used to not getting all the cool tv related stuff that the yanks get not a problem ive come to terms with it and if i really wanted it id figure a way out some how.
but ive been keeping up with the lost experience (the online lost world thats really breaking down my seperation between reality and tv - they call it alternative reality) i say keeping up i dont actually try i just read other ppls notes on whats going on. but i know the jist.
but i was in leam an went to waterstones (more on my never ending quest for the firefly companion vol. 1 later) and down at the bottom of new releases shelf i see a book with sand on it - im like wait a second and it turns out to be bad twin! (dun dun daaa!)
bad twin being the book "written" by a passinger on the plane in lost, id seen it was out in america but it took huge amounts of doug restraint not to run screaming from the store upon finding it over here.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Yep I'm a Browncoat.
was a bit of a trekky (not dress as a Klingon, "err in episode 86 when you routed tachions through the phasers using the deflector wouldnt that desroy the warp engines?" kinda trekky. more a "ah the one where they all become monkeys, i like this one" kinda trekky
but then last year, i got the firefly boxset and after a couple of episodes i got hooked, loved the movie (even went all the way to Edinburgh to see the premiere) . I'm sad its gone and like most firefly fans I'll be cursing Fox from time to time or getting very excited when any of the actors do anything.
Just a heads up.
was a bit of a trekky (not dress as a Klingon, "err in episode 86 when you routed tachions through the phasers using the deflector wouldnt that desroy the warp engines?" kinda trekky. more a "ah the one where they all become monkeys, i like this one" kinda trekky
but then last year, i got the firefly boxset and after a couple of episodes i got hooked, loved the movie (even went all the way to Edinburgh to see the premiere) . I'm sad its gone and like most firefly fans I'll be cursing Fox from time to time or getting very excited when any of the actors do anything.
Just a heads up.
Friday, August 11, 2006
Pirates Pirates Pirates
First up in the important que...

oh yes
Thats the pirates three teaser poster they had at Comic-Con
and if your me thats very exciting
so it makes it here as my first POST OF INTEREST
more at comingsoon.net
oh yes
Thats the pirates three teaser poster they had at Comic-Con
and if your me thats very exciting
so it makes it here as my first POST OF INTEREST
more at comingsoon.net
New Blog
yes its new, my new blog.
Having given up on myspace as i dont have broadband here i have swiched to this which Chris suggested.
Brought on by boredom and Chris' lack of updates i bring you this blog, which i shall now forget to update.
The whole audience may only be Chris and Alex but hey, that makes me no less enthusiastic about it.
I will blog significant movie news/links (significant to us so dont be dissapointed if intelligent movies get ignored) and Doug lists, so i dont forget or can look back in a month and call myself an idiot.
Having given up on myspace as i dont have broadband here i have swiched to this which Chris suggested.
Brought on by boredom and Chris' lack of updates i bring you this blog, which i shall now forget to update.
The whole audience may only be Chris and Alex but hey, that makes me no less enthusiastic about it.
I will blog significant movie news/links (significant to us so dont be dissapointed if intelligent movies get ignored) and Doug lists, so i dont forget or can look back in a month and call myself an idiot.
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