Friday, November 17, 2006


my eyes!
im back to work more lectures, more twilight tasking and last night i went to see Casino Royale (cool as, but more on that later) and so yesterday i didnt get a chance to check facebook or my email. PAH i thought, nothing ever happens its nothing to care about, so i didnt care. but finally get a chance to squeeze it in an BLAM! so much updateing from chris and alex, i can hardly look at the screen, and pokes, and messages, and group requests, and birthday reminders.
when i stopped wimpering and crawled out of the corner it took me half an hour to appropriatly re-poke, re-ply and comment.
my life is hard in many unexpected ways
dadun daduuuuuuuuun dadooooown dow duda dow da dowdun (do do do do do)
it was great hooray! daniel craigs tough an a bit scary so hes not gonna get called names for being blond so thats nice
plenty of cool bond lines to try out in inappropriate situations
and excessively painful torture scenes that still make me pull faces and rock back and forth - and really made me wonder if bond should be "bumping and grinding" so soon after
still, great fun and a prefect excuse to wear a tuxedo tshirt to class today.
oh and sarah if you read this (ever) happy birthday!

1 comment:

CrasHthe2nd said...

I would mention the words "Higurashi nail salon" for the worst torture seen, but you wouldn't have a clue what I'm going on about. So I won't.