Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Douglas is the internet

why am i back to work? bugger. i really was hoping for week free to work on some stuff for my writing science module but nooooooo, im working 9-5.
Still im saving up cash for the nintendo wii - oooOOoo zelda! ooOOoo nunchuks! its so me!
thing is that dispite the journalistic trials one might expect from in a job writing in a magizine, this job also includes certain tasks that really make me nothing but a very expencive, very very slow internet connection.
examples? fine
douglas is email
wednesday im spell checking and grammer checking a document then i get sent to run a cd with 4mb of files over to a studio nearby (mine is not to reason why, mine is but to do and die). but this took me half an hour - quick calculations during my boring patches today (thats 1030am to 5pm) gives me a speed of 2.2 kbit/s - i think without broadband a modem runs around 56kbit/s - i am very slow
douglas is Google
today i was told to find the names and adresses and phone numbers and all kinds of other stuff for companies all over europe (think a website completely in german, thank god my language skill aint too bad - coz i was searching for high definition pre or post production facilities) still i didn't do bad to semi quote Google :
Results 1-10 of about 35 "Europian HD facilities". (3.5 hours)

then again i may be getting the hang of being a new hound:
"mr blank isnt at his desk right now, would you like to leave a message?"
"tell him doug kitson called and that i need ad copy in my inbox before the end of the day - my editors really breaking my balls on this one"
good god, some times im fabulous :)

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