Sunday, April 22, 2007

Curse you Golden Flower!!

you'll be glad to know the trip back to southam wasnt a total waste of time (ignoring the lure of shiny coins that got me back to the library in the first place)

while there wasnt huge chucks of fun, as alex was skiing AGAIN, chris and i made it to the cinema. woo - curse of the golden flower
its one of those crouching tiger hidden dragon type films - very pretty but also very complex and seriously crazy

for instance: the emperor is terribly keen on large groups of people dressed identically, sure it's pretty, but i would probably find a better way of using my emperorly powers.
there was uber ninja action tho. which was pretty neat. loads of them swinging off grappling hooks and throwing swords on strings so they could pull them back and swing em round. crazy, crazy ninjas. LOTS of crazy crazy ninjas.

there was a bit at the end that bothered me slightly tho which i will explain but which will involve a bit of a spoiler if you plan on watching the film, and you should note that clearly i'm far to much of a hollywood boy and all this culture is a little lost on me.
so the bad guy says (more or less):
"you have two options, traitorous hansome good guy. either a) painful gruesome death or b) kill the woman you love. bwah ha ha."
then, the traitorous hansome good guy says:
Hollywood ending:
"i choose hidden option c)" where upon he grabs the lady and throws a grappling hook in the air and they swing out of the castle and onto a horse, chucking swords at evil ninjas while the bad guy curses the obviousness of their escape.
what the traitorous hansome good guy actually says was:
"i choose hidden option c)" where upon he grabs the ladies sword and stabs himself in the chest. dang.
like i said culture is generally lost on me and it was a very pretty film - i just think i would of done that bit differently.

but im back in bristol now, putting things right that once went wrong and hoping to finish some work before friday when i get the train home, again.

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