I am completely in love with this week.
Were it physically possible me and this week would settle down some place in the country and raise a family of little weeks, just so i could enjoy this week for ever and ever.
Why the rush to commit my life so completely to a period of time you ask?
this may just be the most exciting week the world has ever offered me and frankly im not intirely sure if my heart has the strength to keep beating at the pace it does whenever i think about THIS WEEK.
ok when i explain it some of you may not understand, but if that's the case it's because you so don't get me and that's a shame, because im really enjoying this.
i've known for a while that pirates of the caribbean comes out this week, so technically ive been looking forward to this week for almost a year.
then recently i have managed to sync myself with the american tv schedules, meaning that over then next few days smallville, heroes and lost all end their series' symultaniously which is an experience of mass cliffhangering that i have never had the chance to enjoy before. (SAVE THE CHEERLEADER, SAVE THE WORLD)
all this i knew coming into the week and that alone was enough for me to get disproportionally excited but then...
there have been exciting new movie stuff going on too! eep! [man squeek]
theres a bunch of new batman stuff thats turned up, first ibelieveinharveydent.com gives us a new picture and thats nice, then the joker takes over ibelieveinharveydenttoo.com and we get a picture of him that veeeeeeery slowly appears and looks uber scary (so at this point im slightly scared but excited) then the site changes to page not found but with like a million HA HA HA s in the black with see you in december hidden amoung them (something about a very big page full of various sized ha ha's gets me actually pretty scared in a creeped out kinda way)
and THEN i found a teaser trailer for the golden compass! (apart from the name making my head explode, im very excited by this) it looks awesome, theres effects (daemons changing looks great) and armoured polar bears and daniel craig with a beard and ARMOURED POLAR BEARS and seriously cool witch fighting and ARMOURED. POLAR. BEARS. FIGHTING!!!! (i need something larger than capital letters to convey just how... awesome i think it is)
ok so i used the word awesome alot there, or it felt like i did but - excitement, heart. beating, brain. melting, no way to express the complex -im going with- "emotions" that i am "feeling".
naturally i need a bit of karma to balance this out, so for the superhero party on saturday i was a fairly evil looking super villain with face paint round my eyes so theres no skin showing in the masks eye holes (a la batman or the phantom - look close in the movies, coz im right) well, brilliantly the paint has decided not to come off my eyes despire vigourous scrubbing with various cleaning products, so i look like im wearing mascara. with the slight beard i look like an extremely scary transvestite, and have managed to scare myself several times by looking in the mirror when i wasnt expecting it. great.
but at least im not going to have to worry about girls coming between me and this week. whew - that was a real worry for a minute there.
well im going to collapse for a bit now and try to get my heart below hummingbird speed.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Thursday, May 10, 2007
I swears imbalanced is the right word for it because i'm currently suffering an imbalance of the humors.
I have finally dragged myself to the end of my proposal for my course, which is (a direct quote): "It is a love story set in 1847, following two people (puppets) brought together at the Royal Society through mutual interest in science then ultimately separated by the changes in the Society, mirroring the separation that was happening at the same time to science and society."
Science! Romance! Puppets! Genius. The biscuits and discussion. sweet.
Just think of it as a very English Gone with the Wind. or at least a very Doug Gone with the Wind.
but having set it in the 19th century ive been coming across hilarious old science, my imbalance of the humors being a man flu - clearly a excess of water, to be remeided with fire or something. (i've actually been sorting it by periodically taking one of every kind of medicine i have and a lot of tea).
Following in the footsteps of a play called 'The Man Who Discovered That Women Lay Eggs' (looking forward to not writing that any more) i have found some real old worldy advice on sex and general genials that had me laughing so much i have to share it: "Orgasms, it was believed, were necessary for female health, hence the need to provide them. If a woman was married, some physicians advocated being ‘strongly encountered by their husbands’. If a woman was single, widowed or confined to a nunnery, the recommendation could be horse-riding, or pelvic rocking in swings, chairs or hammocks."
I'm going to have to start offering to 'strongly encounter' girls round here - i love the phrasing of it so very much.
All this research has expanded my pile of useless knowledge to, did you know that the vibrator was the fifth household appliance to be electrified? hmm informative.
On a different subject, you know what really grinds my gears? Past Doug. What a Bastard. He leaves me with no time and tons of work to do while he goes off and watches tv or checks facebook. Do some work you lazy sod.
But you know who rocks? Future Doug - his hair and beard is longer or styled so he's better looking the me or Past Doug, and I'm fairly sure he has incredable writing/researching skills, thats why i'll leave the work to him and go watch some TV now.
ok i think i just refered to myself in the 4th person. impressive, no?
WARNING! All these drugs and tea have driven me a little wacky and the precieding post may be concidered to be distasteful or odd by some people.
I have finally dragged myself to the end of my proposal for my course, which is (a direct quote): "It is a love story set in 1847, following two people (puppets) brought together at the Royal Society through mutual interest in science then ultimately separated by the changes in the Society, mirroring the separation that was happening at the same time to science and society."
Science! Romance! Puppets! Genius. The biscuits and discussion. sweet.
Just think of it as a very English Gone with the Wind. or at least a very Doug Gone with the Wind.
but having set it in the 19th century ive been coming across hilarious old science, my imbalance of the humors being a man flu - clearly a excess of water, to be remeided with fire or something. (i've actually been sorting it by periodically taking one of every kind of medicine i have and a lot of tea).
Following in the footsteps of a play called 'The Man Who Discovered That Women Lay Eggs' (looking forward to not writing that any more) i have found some real old worldy advice on sex and general genials that had me laughing so much i have to share it: "Orgasms, it was believed, were necessary for female health, hence the need to provide them. If a woman was married, some physicians advocated being ‘strongly encountered by their husbands’. If a woman was single, widowed or confined to a nunnery, the recommendation could be horse-riding, or pelvic rocking in swings, chairs or hammocks."
I'm going to have to start offering to 'strongly encounter' girls round here - i love the phrasing of it so very much.
All this research has expanded my pile of useless knowledge to, did you know that the vibrator was the fifth household appliance to be electrified? hmm informative.
On a different subject, you know what really grinds my gears? Past Doug. What a Bastard. He leaves me with no time and tons of work to do while he goes off and watches tv or checks facebook. Do some work you lazy sod.
But you know who rocks? Future Doug - his hair and beard is longer or styled so he's better looking the me or Past Doug, and I'm fairly sure he has incredable writing/researching skills, thats why i'll leave the work to him and go watch some TV now.
ok i think i just refered to myself in the 4th person. impressive, no?
WARNING! All these drugs and tea have driven me a little wacky and the precieding post may be concidered to be distasteful or odd by some people.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Mildly Irritating and Slightly Upsetting
i had a beast of a title for this post, naturally i've forgotten it.
it's been like a week and a bit since i last wrote a decent sized post, thats crazy. Time was i'd be writing something hilarious every couple of days, but this last few weeks all our deadlines have appeared simultainously and i just cant bear the thought of sitting and writing - until it's too late and i have something more important to do (drinking, watching a movie, that sorta thing)
also since i've been trying to do work there's not much in the way of stories to tell. Unless you like work related stories?
we had our exam a couple of weeks ago - best exam ever (for me, at least), questions in advance, so the exam was just the write up. We have one question asking about evaluation of this web site, i look everywhere (ok so i type evaluation into google) theres no sign of anything useful, so i write that into the exam - no worries. Then this week i'm researching theatre in science communication for a proposal and half way down a bunch of articles i find the ultimate evaluation for the damn web site - much screaming and cursing insues (it had been a tough day already and this straw broke me). love scareing everyone in the peaceful post grad computer room by suddenly roaring like a wookie - rrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaararrrraaaaaa
im in something of a pickle, facebook picture-wise, when i joined i had just been sent a picture of a dog dressed in a batman costume, and as i had no pictures of me on that computer i chose batdog. now being lazy i kept him there for ages. Having had no sane-human-attractive-male-looking pictures taken of me (im a vain little creature sometimes and i want the facebook fillies to have a good opinion of me) i chose another dog and so on in that fashion. Back home at Easter, people keep asking what the deal is with the dogs, i realise that i'm being silly not having a picture of me, especially when everyone else does (ooo caving to peer pressure). so i find an ok looking one of me - i swear there are good picutres of me i just cannot find them :( - but now ive got friends at uni asking what the deal with my face is. :( its a very distressing catch 22. Im going to work hard to get a picture that dog fans and doug fans can live with.
as you can see, while dull and work filled, my universe seems intent on presenting me with all the mildly irritating and slightly upsetting situations it can. pffffffffft good thing i have cartoons to get me through this almost difficult time.
it's been like a week and a bit since i last wrote a decent sized post, thats crazy. Time was i'd be writing something hilarious every couple of days, but this last few weeks all our deadlines have appeared simultainously and i just cant bear the thought of sitting and writing - until it's too late and i have something more important to do (drinking, watching a movie, that sorta thing)
also since i've been trying to do work there's not much in the way of stories to tell. Unless you like work related stories?
we had our exam a couple of weeks ago - best exam ever (for me, at least), questions in advance, so the exam was just the write up. We have one question asking about evaluation of this web site, i look everywhere (ok so i type evaluation into google) theres no sign of anything useful, so i write that into the exam - no worries. Then this week i'm researching theatre in science communication for a proposal and half way down a bunch of articles i find the ultimate evaluation for the damn web site - much screaming and cursing insues (it had been a tough day already and this straw broke me). love scareing everyone in the peaceful post grad computer room by suddenly roaring like a wookie - rrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaararrrraaaaaa
im in something of a pickle, facebook picture-wise, when i joined i had just been sent a picture of a dog dressed in a batman costume, and as i had no pictures of me on that computer i chose batdog. now being lazy i kept him there for ages. Having had no sane-human-attractive-male-looking pictures taken of me (im a vain little creature sometimes and i want the facebook fillies to have a good opinion of me) i chose another dog and so on in that fashion. Back home at Easter, people keep asking what the deal is with the dogs, i realise that i'm being silly not having a picture of me, especially when everyone else does (ooo caving to peer pressure). so i find an ok looking one of me - i swear there are good picutres of me i just cannot find them :( - but now ive got friends at uni asking what the deal with my face is. :( its a very distressing catch 22. Im going to work hard to get a picture that dog fans and doug fans can live with.
as you can see, while dull and work filled, my universe seems intent on presenting me with all the mildly irritating and slightly upsetting situations it can. pffffffffft good thing i have cartoons to get me through this almost difficult time.
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