Thursday, May 10, 2007


I swears imbalanced is the right word for it because i'm currently suffering an imbalance of the humors.
I have finally dragged myself to the end of my proposal for my course, which is (a direct quote): "It is a love story set in 1847, following two people (puppets) brought together at the Royal Society through mutual interest in science then ultimately separated by the changes in the Society, mirroring the separation that was happening at the same time to science and society."
Science! Romance! Puppets! Genius. The biscuits and discussion. sweet.
Just think of it as a very English Gone with the Wind. or at least a very Doug Gone with the Wind.
but having set it in the 19th century ive been coming across hilarious old science, my imbalance of the humors being a man flu - clearly a excess of water, to be remeided with fire or something. (i've actually been sorting it by periodically taking one of every kind of medicine i have and a lot of tea).
Following in the footsteps of a play called 'The Man Who Discovered That Women Lay Eggs' (looking forward to not writing that any more) i have found some real old worldy advice on sex and general genials that had me laughing so much i have to share it: "Orgasms, it was believed, were necessary for female health, hence the need to provide them. If a woman was married, some physicians advocated being ‘strongly encountered by their husbands’. If a woman was single, widowed or confined to a nunnery, the recommendation could be horse-riding, or pelvic rocking in swings, chairs or hammocks."
I'm going to have to start offering to 'strongly encounter' girls round here - i love the phrasing of it so very much.
All this research has expanded my pile of useless knowledge to, did you know that the vibrator was the fifth household appliance to be electrified? hmm informative.

On a different subject, you know what really grinds my gears? Past Doug. What a Bastard. He leaves me with no time and tons of work to do while he goes off and watches tv or checks facebook. Do some work you lazy sod.
But you know who rocks? Future Doug - his hair and beard is longer or styled so he's better looking the me or Past Doug, and I'm fairly sure he has incredable writing/researching skills, thats why i'll leave the work to him and go watch some TV now.

ok i think i just refered to myself in the 4th person. impressive, no?

WARNING! All these drugs and tea have driven me a little wacky and the precieding post may be concidered to be distasteful or odd by some people.

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