Monday, June 09, 2008

Easy Bake Fridge

Well, I've got the latest in the long line of unpleasent things that my basement flat does.

I could not figure out why all of my food was going off so fast when I was keeping it refridgerated and has absolutely no idea why my beef was going very strange colours (the colour of jerky is ont what you expect after two days in the fridge)

Anyway, there's this toy in the States, possibly here (i'm not really up with girls toys) it's called and easy bake oven and you've probably heard of it. It cooks cupcakes with a lightbulb in a box and perhaps you can see where this is going?

The light in my fridge does not go off when you close the door. Normally it vanishes by magic, but not down here. No magic in that kitchen. The light stays on. HEATING the top corner of my fridge. MY FOOD HAS BEEN COOKING IN THE FRIDGE! THE FRIDGE IS A F**KING EASY BAKE OVEN!!!

This is wrong, the only thing you should be able to cook in a fridge is fridge cake and that's just using freezing powers.

There's actually a bowl of mine hat has been up against the icy bakc of the fridge and the light, so that one half is frozen and the other is hot.


Cooking in the fridge just boggles my monkey.

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