Monday, June 18, 2007

Possibly the last Bristol post

Well i leave for good tomorrow, carrying a bag i can comfortably fit inside, on a train route that i've never taken, through unknown stations.
Assuming i make it to Leamington without getting lost or collapsing with fatigue, i will return to Southam and that'll be the end of living in Bristol.
It's kinda sad, but i moved most of my stuff (TV and the majority of my DVDS) back last weekend, then returned to Bristol to hang around with people, so leaving wont be too bad - I need a TV.

I log on to facebook and it tells me (sometimes and always randomly) when people write on each others walls. Someone from home was wishing someone else a Happy Birthday and i genuinely thought "You crazy boy, it's not her birthday till the 18th" then looking at the clock i realise it is the 18th an i begin to realise just how much i need TV, just to keep my internal clock functioning.

I don't have a problem. I managed to not watch TV for many days (i dont know the exact number because i wasnt watching TV) the thing that may count as a problem is my DVDs. I didnt bring a TV back, but i brought some DVDs just incase someone else had a TV and wanted to watch some of the films. Im a sick man. :(

It took a few days to realise just how daft it was to have all those DVDS with no player, but then it's not the dumbest thing i managed. I had absolutely no (obvious) way of playing CDs either, but seeing that Bon Jovi have a new album i absolutely had to get it. Fortunatly I have mad resoursefulness skilz so i have found many ways to play it, other than the sencible CD => CD player route. Curiously for a summery CD, every time i play the album it starts raining.

As long as it stays dry tomorrow though i'll be back in Southam safe and sound. If it rains i'll be home with a soggy bag, damp belonging's and an over powering smell of wet dog. Still home will be nice.

Top 5 things I'm looking forward to (but out of order to not upset anyone):
My Dogs
My Southam Friends
My Warwick Uni Friends
Easy access to a computer.

There is ton's I'll miss, but i'm sure I will write more about that in later weeks. This is only *possibly* the last Bristol post, if there's one thing i know, it's that i'll never be sure when the last time I'll see somewhere is. I will return (still got some uni to do) and i can't be sure exactly where my life is going next.

So for now;

Bye Bye Bristol,
Bye Bye Bristol Friends.

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