Monday, August 14, 2006

More Blogging-ness

ok so i forgot exactly what the point of my firefly blog was. never mind MORE BLOGGING
over here in the uk im used to not getting all the cool tv related stuff that the yanks get not a problem ive come to terms with it and if i really wanted it id figure a way out some how.
but ive been keeping up with the lost experience (the online lost world thats really breaking down my seperation between reality and tv - they call it alternative reality) i say keeping up i dont actually try i just read other ppls notes on whats going on. but i know the jist.
but i was in leam an went to waterstones (more on my never ending quest for the firefly companion vol. 1 later) and down at the bottom of new releases shelf i see a book with sand on it - im like wait a second and it turns out to be bad twin! (dun dun daaa!)
bad twin being the book "written" by a passinger on the plane in lost, id seen it was out in america but it took huge amounts of doug restraint not to run screaming from the store upon finding it over here.

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