Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Hooray for Doug

Do you have a victory song?
You know, when the hero finally succeeds, there's a song that blasts out and everything's ok?
I hadn't really thought about it, so it came as bit of a surpirse when I got some good news and this blasted out inside my head:

I guess if you know my tendencies towards the bizzare that odd choice isn't too big a surprise, but I thought I'd share it and see what you thought.

So what is this victory that someone who's been complaining about being unemployed with nothing to do for months, achieve?
That's right!
I am un-unemployed!
Or to say it without hurting the English language, I am employed!

I'm going to work for a law magazine in Cambridge!
It's not science, (the subject of subjects that my communication skills have been groomed for,) but the position is writing news and features and tons of other different formats and there's a bunch of other tasks as well. All the variety will certainly keep me occupied and everyone seems nice there, so yay! Now all I have to do is get myself down to Cambridge. That's some leaving the house excitement to look forward to.

Excitement! Variety! The Law! Shocking Twists! Cambridge! (Hopefully with the shocking twists taking the pleasent forms, unless law is the shocking twist and then that's already accounted for?)
All this to come in the next few blogs, in the finally continuing adventures of me, Doug.

1 comment:

hayley m. bennett said...

Hooray, huzzah indeed! Well done Doug!!